1 | 0026116502 | Dr. Drs SONI HARSONO M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Aktivitas Hedging instrumen Derivatif Pada Ketidakstabilan kondisi Perekonomian internal &Eksternal perusahaan | 10th International Conference Business and Commerce (ICBC) | Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) | | | Bangkok, Thailand | Dokumen |
2 | 0026116502 | Dr. Drs SONI HARSONO M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | DJ Model: A Model of Service Recovery For Student Satisfaction Using Distributive, Interactional And Procedural Approaches (A Case Study at Universities with Category of Excellent, Favorite, and Non-Favorite) | 10th International Conference Business and Commerce (ICBC), Bangkok (Thailand) | Global Research & Developmen Services | | | Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand | Dokumen |
3 | 0704127401 | Dr. LUCIANA SPICA ALMALIA S.E., M.Si. | Pemakalah Biasa | The Effect of Overconfidence on Belief Adjustment Model in Investment Decision Making | Asian Academic Accounting Association 16th Annual Conference | Universitas Indonesia | | | Bandung | Dokumen |
4 | 0731087601 | Dr NANANG SHONHADJI S.E., M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Interpreting Receivable Debt in Bhubukan Tradition Critical Interpretive Study | Airlangga Accounting International Conference 2015 | Universitas Airlangga | | | Hotel Bumi Surabaya | Dokumen |
5 | 0702068201 | IKA YUNIA FAUZIA | Pemakalah Biasa | Green Economy Perspektif Maqashid al-Shariah: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka | International Conference and Ph.D. Colloquium on Islamic Economic and Finance 2015 | Universitas Airlangga | | | Lombok Raya Hotel Mataram, Indonesia | Dokumen |
6 | 0713038801 | KARTIKA MARTA BUDIANA S.S., M.Pd | Pemakalah Biasa | The Effect of Using Videos for Theaching Speaking to Non-Native English Speakers | 5th MELTA Internasional Research Conference in English Language Education 2015 | Universitas of Malaya | | | Kuala Lumpur | Dokumen |
7 | 0716067802 | NURUL HASANAH USWATI DEWI M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Adaptability fair value accounting at the public company in indonesia | 10th International Conference Business and Commerce (ICBC), Bangkok (Thailand) | Global Research & Development Services | | | Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand | Dokumen |
8 | 0717036902 | SUPRIYATI SE., Ak., M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Creative Accounting Model for Increasing Banking Industries'Competitive Advantage in Indonesia | International Conference on Social, Economic, and Culture | Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta | | | Surakarta | Dokumen |
9 | 0706116901 | YUDI SUTARSO | Pemakalah Biasa | Independent Value Creation: Concept, Activities and Implications | International Conference on Management,Finance & Enterpreneurship | International Fondation for Research and Development | | | Medan, Indonesia | Dokumen |
10 | 0706116901 | YUDI SUTARSO | Pemakalah Biasa | Understanding Customer Co-Creation, Grouping,Characteristic and Implication | The 1th Annual International Conference on Multidiciplinary in Management | The International College of The National Institute of Development Administration | | | Bangkok,Thailand. | Dokumen |