1 | Hariadi Yutanto | Design and Development of Citizens Information System in Indonesia | Applied Research International Conference on World Economic & Social Review (ARICEWSR) 2019 | University of Oxford | 28-29 Juni 2019 | University of Oxford | Sertifikat |
2 | Romi Ilham | Can Instagram Convince Information to the Users ? | Applied Research International Conference on World Econo mic & Social Review (ARICEWSR) 2019 | University of Oxford | 28-29 Juni 2019 | University of Oxford | Sertifikat |
3 | Rohmad Fuad Armansyah | Financial Behavior, E-Trading Satisfaction, E-Trust, and E-Loyalty of E-Trading in Indonesian Stock Exchange with SEM-PLS | Applied Research International Conference on World Economic & Social Review (ARICEWSR) 2019 | University of Oxford | 28-29 Juni 2019 | University of Oxford | Sertifikat |
4 | Kautsar Riza Salman | The Effect of Education (Tahdzibul Fard), Justice (Adl), and Welfare (Maslahah) on Islamic Social Reporting Disclosure at Sharia Banks | International Conference on Business, Economic, and Finance (ICBEF) 2019 | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | 31 Juli – 1 Agst 2019 | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | Sertifikat |
5 | Nur Suci I. Mei Murni | The Relationship Between Liquidity Risk, Capital, Efficiency, Size and Profitability on Syariah Bank in Indonesia | International Conference on Business, Economic, and Finance (ICBEF) 2019 | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | 31 Juli – 1 Agst 2019 | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | Sertifikat |
6 | Abu Amar Fauzi | Assesing the Measurement Invariance of the Antecedents of Continuance Intention in Using Ride0Hailing Apps | The 3rd International Conference on Management & Entrepreneurship 2019 | Phuket Rajabhat University & Petra Christian University | 25-27 Juli 2019 | Phuket, Thailand | Sertifikat |
7 | Djuwari | Research, Publication, and Collaborations in the 4.IR for Improving the College Reputation | 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (ICIRHE) 2019 | IASPER & University of Bohol | 18-20 Juli 2019 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Sertifikat (Keynote Speaker) |
8 | Tatik Suryani | How to Synergize Research and Community Services Program in Higher Education Institutions in 4.0 Industrial Era | 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education (ICIRHE) 2019 | IASPER & University of Bohol | 18-20 Juli 2019 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Sertifikat (Keynote Speaker) |
9 | Tatik Suryani | Enhancing Brand Image of Small Enterprises Business from Website and Social Media Perspectives | 3rd International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship 2019 | Phuket Rajabhat University & Petra Christian University | 25-27 Juli 2019 | Phuket, Thailand | Sertifikat Prosiding |
10 | Soni Harsono | Benefits Sought, Service Quality, and Their Relationship with Satisfaction and Loyalty of Banking Customers in Indonesia | the 4th Japan International Conference on Business, Management Studies, and Social Science (JIBUMS) | Research Sinergy Institute | 26-27 Sep 2019 | Osaka, Jepang | Sertifikat Prosiding |
11 | Ika Yunia Fauzia | Islamic Family Wealth Management : Phenomenological Study on the Culture of Muslim Family’s Financial Planning in Sidoarjo and Surabaya | The 4th International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2019) | Universitas Hasanudin Makassar | 25 Okt 2019 | Makassar | Sertifikat Prosiding |
12 | Ellen Theresia | Determinants of Internet Banking Adoption and the Roles of Demographics | International Conference on Business, Social Science, Engineering & Technology (IBSEIT 2019) | Bali Institute of Research Excellence | 23-24 Okt 2019 | Kuta, Bali | Sertifikat |
13 | Nanang Shonhadji | Basel III Implementation on Financial Performance Banking in ASEAN | International Conference Association of Global Management Studies (ICAGMS 2019) | Said Business School – University of Oxford | 1-2 Juli 2019 | Oxford, United Kingdom | Sertifikat |
14 | Achmad Saiful Ulum | The Factors that Influence Financial Distress of Indonesia Manufacturing Company | International Conference Association of Global Management Studies (ICAGMS 2019) | Said Business School – University of Oxford | 1-2 Juli 2019 | Oxford, United Kingdom | Sertifikat |
15 | M. Bisyri Effendi | The Relationship of GCG, Company Size, Liquidity, Capital Structure, and Profitability with SEM-PLS | International Conference Association of Global Management Studies (ICAGMS 2019) | Said Business School – University of Oxford | 1-2 Juli 2019 | Oxford, United Kingdom | Sertifikat |
16 | Abdul Mongid | Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and Bank Performance in ASEAN | 44th Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations Annual Conference | Economic Society of Singapore | 29-30 Nov 2019 | Singapore | Sertifikat |
17 | Laely Aghe Africa | Determination of Bankometer and RGEC Models to Predict Financial Distress on Sharia Banks in Indonesia | 1st International Conference on Business, Law and Pedagogy | Universitas Narotama | 13-14 Feb 2019 | Sidoarjo | Sertifikat Prosiding |
18 | Nurul Hasanah | Determinant of Household Beef Consumption in Indonesia : a Binary Logistic Analysis | The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production | IOP Conference Serires : Earth and Environmental Science | 23-25 Sep 2019 | Yogyakarta | Prosiding |