1 | 0706106601 | ABDUL MONGID S.E., Ph.D | Pemakalah Biasa | Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and Islamic Banks Profitability: Evidence from Selected Banks from Mena Countries | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
2 | 0731106702 | ANGGRAENI SE., M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | The Effect of Macro Ekonomic Variables on Credit Distribution in the Government | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
3 | 0719047701 | BURHANUDIN SE.,M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Muslim and Islamic Banking in Indonesia (when a Big Number does Not Make A Big Account) | Muslim and Islamic Banking in Indonesia (when a Big Number does Not Make A Big Account) | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
4 | 0724127402 | DIYAH PUJIATI SE, M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Influence of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Characteristics on The Disclosure of Intellectual Capital | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
5 | 0720015601 | DJUWITO S.H., M.Hum. | Pemakalah Biasa | Legal Protiection for The Banks' Rights of Liability Security Holders | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
6 | 0701116402 | Dra JOICENDA NAHUMURY M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Audit Quality Analysis Between Litigation Risks and The Earning Management | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
7 | 0721017101 | Dr. BASUKI RACHMAT SE., MM | Pemakalah Biasa | strategy of Improving Competetive Advantage in Batik Small Enterprices (SME) In Indonesia | The 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Research(ICHER 2014) IAMURE 2014 | IAMURE | | | Kuala lumpur | Dokumen |
8 | 0705056502 | Dr. Dra WIWIK LESTARI M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Entrepreneurial Risk Attitute and Confidence in Gender Perspective | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
9 | 0725026102 | Dr.Drs. DJUWARI M.Hum | Pemakalah Biasa | Modality in Conclusion Sections of Academic journal Articles | The 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Research(ICHER 2014) IAMURE 2014 | IAMURE | | | Kuala lumpur | Dokumen |
10 | 0725026102 | Dr.Drs. DJUWARI M.Hum | Pemakalah Biasa | Rhetorical Moves In Introduction Sections Of Journal Articles | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
11 | 0725126003 | Dr. Drs EMANUEL KRISTIJADI M.M. | Pemakalah Biasa | Phenomenon of Information Technology Productivity Paradox on Rural Banking | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
12 | 0026116502 | Dr. Drs SONI HARSONO M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | BP + SC MODEL : A Model for Buliding Batik SMEs Customers'Loyalty Using Personal Image and Brand Image | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
13 | 0026116502 | Dr. Drs SONI HARSONO M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | The University's Image and Trust and Their Effect on Positive Word of Mouth | The 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Research(ICHER 2014) IAMURE 2014 | IAMURE | | | Kuala lumpur | Dokumen |
14 | 0704127401 | Dr. LUCIANA SPICA ALMALIA S.E., M.Si. | Pemakalah Biasa | Designing Web-Based Financial Reporting: What Users Reality Want | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
15 | 0704127401 | Dr. LUCIANA SPICA ALMALIA S.E., M.Si. | Pemakalah Biasa | The Effect of Overconfidence on Belief Adjustmet Model in Investment Decision Making | The 22nd Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management | Aichi University | | | Nagoya, Japan | Dokumen |
16 | 0731087601 | Dr NANANG SHONHADJI S.E., M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Power of capitalism on bank acc practice in indonesia | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
17 | 0726045503 | Drs. SUDJARNO EKO SUPRIYONO MM | Pemakalah Biasa | The Effect of Fund Distribution using Mudharabah, Musyarakah, and Marabaha Akad on the Indonesia Syariah Banks'Profitability | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
18 | 0004116601 | ERIDA HERLINA SE., M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), Profitability and Size Company toward Cah Dividend: A Case study on family and non-family companies in Indonesia | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
19 | 0709116502 | LUTFI S.E., M.Fin | Pemakalah Biasa | The Role of Board of Commissioners and Transparency in Improving Bank Operational Efficiency and Profitability | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
20 | 0721036902 | MOCHAMAD NURHADI S.Kom, M.M. | Pemakalah Biasa | Creating Curriculum and Academic Atmosphere Based on Indonesia Nasional Qualification Framework (INQF) for Banking Graduates | 2nd Asian Conterence (ACMRHE 2014) | IAMURE | | | Philipina | Dokumen |
21 | 0716067802 | NURUL HASANAH USWATI DEWI M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Quality of Internal Audit in Improving the Detection of Earnings Management at The Private Company | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
22 | 0716067802 | NURUL HASANAH USWATI DEWI M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | The Determinant Factors of Accounting Students’ Choice on Information Technology Careers | The 22nd Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management | Aichi University Nagoya, Japan | | | Nagoya Japan | Dokumen |
23 | 0725046601 | Prof.Dr.Dra. TATIK SURYANI Psi.,MM | Pemakalah Biasa | Creating Curriculum and Academic Atmosphere Based on Indonesia Nasional Qualification Framework (INQF) for Banking Graduates | 2014 ASAIHL Conference | ASAIHL | | | Singapura | Dokumen |
24 | 0725046601 | Prof.Dr.Dra. TATIK SURYANI Psi.,MM | Pemakalah Biasa | The Determinant of Relationship Quality in Banking Industries: SME Perspective | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
25 | 0715086501 | SASONGKO BUDISUSETYO S.E., M.Si | Pemakalah Biasa | Designing Web-Based Financial Reporting: What Users Reality Want | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
26 | 0702018404 | TITIS PUSPITANINGRUM DEWI KART S.Pd, MSA | Pemakalah Biasa | Audit Quality Analysis Between Litigation Risks and The Earning Management | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) 2014 | ICBB | | | Pattaya | Dokumen |
27 | 0714037803 | TRIANA MAYASARI SE., Ak., M.Si. | Pemakalah Biasa | QUALITY OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN IMPROVING THE DETECTION OF EARNINGS MANAGEMENT AT THE PRIVATE COMPANY | The 3rd International Conference on Business and Banking (ICBB) Pattaya Thailand | STIE Perbanas dan Sripatum University Conbury Campus | | | Pattaya Thailand | Dokumen |